The Build Series: E6 — Fun with Flags
Wouldn't it be nice if you had the ability to toggle a feature in production with just a switch? What if you could deploy different variations of the same feature for different users? In this episode of The Build Series, we'll see how.
The Build SeriesThe Build Series: E5 - Page Scroll Component in React
In this episode of The Build Series, we'll build a page scroll indicator component which displays how much of the page user has scrolled
The Build Series📚 Deploy Storybook to a sub-folder
ReactA quick hack to deploy Storybook to a sub-folder.
🔎 Syntax Error: Expected Name, found <EOF>
GatsbySolving an error without Googling it first is kind of not time saving.
🧲 Using Context with a HoC
ReactHow to use Context Provider to avoid props drilling? Bonus, cleaning up multi-context tree hell using a Higher order Component.
🔥 Efficient workflow with ESLint and Prettier
Code formattingHow I configure ESLint and Prettier to catch style and code issues early on
📥 Sharing state in Gatsby
GatsbyExploring how to create a shared state management system in GatsbyJS using Context Provider API
🌐 Holy Grail layouts in Gatsby
GatsbyExploring how to create a shared layout system in GatsbyJS
♼ Writing re-usable logic with React Hooks
JavaScriptextracting reusable logic to a custom hook